Getting Rid of Aphids on Tomato Plants
Pests are always a problem and getting rid of aphids is one of the problems that needs to be taken care of very quickly. Before they multiply beyond control and sap the life out of your tomato plants.
Upside Down Tomato Planter, Also Known as a Topsy Turvy Tomato Planter
The primary reason you might consider an upside down tomato planter is when you are limited for space. You literally just need to look for somewhere you can hang it with a strong hook.
Plant in a container, tomatoes thrive in large pots or grow bags
As long as the container is large enough, growing tomatoes in pots will work just fine and you can soon be enjoying a great crop of tomatoes straight from your garden.
Growing Tomatoes from Seed – Even Your Own
This is a quick procedure that describes the steps you need to go through to propagate your own tomato plants from seed. Not as difficult as you might think and once learned will prove invaluable.
How to Prune Tomatoes – Video Demonstration
Discover how you prune tomato plants and even more importantly why you prune tomato plants. Always easier when you can watch exactly how it’s done. while hearing an interesting explanation as to why.
Tomato varieties – which are the best tomato plants
The best tomato varieties to grow very much depends on your preference for how they taste, a bit of common sense and what grows well where you are in the world. No more complex than that really.
Home Grown Tomatoes in Limited Space
Lots of people would like to know how to grow tomatoes in pots at home because they have limited space or little time for a garden. So here are a few tips for how you can do it.
Tomato Plant Types – Vine Tomatoes Or Bush Tomatoes
Tomato plant types come in two main varieties, vine or bush. But you may hear of vine tomatoes also being described as indeterminate or cordon tomatoes and bush as determinate tomato plants.
Using a Greenhouse For Growing Tomato Plants
Using a greenhouse to grow tomatoes requires a slightly different approach to growing tomatoes outside. But these differences are easily taken care of once you know how!
Tomato Pruning, Is It Necessary to Prune Tomato Plants?
There are a number of reasons for why it is necessary to prune tomato plants, these range from avoiding disease to producing more fruit, plus a few more which may be of interest.