Want to Know How to Ripen Tomatoes?
If you don’t know how to ripen tomatoes, you could be wasting a lot of your crop. Here is how to ripen your green tomatoes so they don’t go to waste.
Growing Tomatoes in Containers or Growbags
There are several good reasons for using containers to grow tomatoes, even the grow bag variety. One big benefit is the reduced risk of disease when growing tomatoes in grow bags outside!
Homegrown Tomatoes Heirloom or Hybrid What’s the Difference?
For an amateur gardener the main difference between heirloom and hybrid tomatoes is that you can’t take the seeds of a hybrid fruit for a new crop. They are usually sterile or flawed in some way.
Making a Compost Drum For The Garden
Using a compost drum is a slightly different approach to making compost, it involves tumbling your garden and kitchen waste to rapidly break down the waste and speed up the composting process!
Preparing the Soil For the Best Tomatoes
Preparing the soil is not just for tomatoes, it is necessary for every type of garden product. But how you prepare is going to be different depending on what you want to grow!
Choosing Tomato Seeds for Home Growing
Choosing which tomato seeds are best is a big decision and will have a big impact on your success in growing tomatoes e.g. what sort do you want and when you want them?
Planting Tomatoes Is About Location, Location, Location
Deciding where should you plant tomatoes is a question of practicalities and available space. You need to think about the plant’s needs and how you will be able to meet them.
Growing Tomatoes in Raised Beds
Growing tomatoes in raised garden beds is not unlike growing tomatoes in containers, although it is a rather large container so there are differences, like changing the soil for example.
Are You Growing A Lasagna Garden!
A new way of soil preparation, so what is a lasagna garden exactly? It is certainly a less labor intensive approach to gardening that is perfect for many crops with a lot less work.
Preventing Tomato Diseases and Stopping Tomato Pests
You don’t have to use chemicals as a pest control for tomatoes or dealing with disease. Natural organic methods can and do work as well, try it and see. You may prefer to be environmentally friendly!